Very quiet day today. My forearm crutches came today! They are so much easier to work with. I am very happy to have them. unfortunately, the bills have also started to come in. As far as I can tell almost everything has been covered by my insurance, but to be honest I really can't make heads or tails of these statements.
The physical therapist have given me the all clear to go back to the gym. I will have to take it slow at first, but I am glad that I will still be able to keep this in my life. Slowly, but surely, life is getting back to normal. It's starting to feel like I am taking my life back. Besides, my poor little legs have shriveled up to nothing LOL! They were always a little on the scrawny side, but this is a bit sad.
I am hoping to start on the medication soon, so that I can have some time adjust to the side effects and the routine of injections. Once I get over that mountain, I think I will be ready to tackle the biggest challenge of all... going back to work!
I am so thankful that I have such an amazing and supportive employer. Everyone asks if my job is pressuring me to come back, but Ican honestly say that they have been completely in my corner through this whole ordeal. When people ask me about working at St. Mary's I always say I love it there because the people I work with are happy to be there. There is such a positive energy there, it makes my job so much easier. When I have visited other facilities, one of the things that struck me is that no one seemed to be smiling. At Saints everyone is greeted with a smile. I have worked places where the employees are unhappy. I would dread going to work. Could I make more money elsewhere? Maybe, but it isn't always about the money. Happiness and peace of mind can't be quantified in dollars and cents. Can you tell that I am eager to get back?!
I know the doctors want to be cautious and I don't want to do anything to sabotage my recovery, but I need to get back to my home away from home ;-) I know it will be a slow process, but I am well on my way. See you guys soon!
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