Hello friends,
I had to stop and talk to you for a moment. I survived my move this weekend. I forgot just how much I hate moving. I was able to hire movers which made it faster and a lot less tiring, but I still hate it! Living out of boxes is nerve-racking and has added at least 20 minutes to my morning LOL. The craziest part is the fact the one of the main reasons I moved is my puppy. The place I used to live at technically didn’t allow pets, so I was constantly hiding him. Now he is free to go outside and there is even a dog park. He is still afraid of other dogs, but seems to getting used to other dogs being around. He is so cute when he goes out on the deck to people watch. I can tell that he is happier and that makes me happy.
I am just a bundle of nerves tonight. Tomorrow is my first class. I hope I can go to sleep tonight. I have so many ideas and almost as many fears. I learned and grew so much while I was in college. Certain professors stand out in my mind because of their ability to capture my attention. Their ability to make me want to think more critically and understand an issue, not just regurgitate facts. I want to be that kind of teacher. This is a daunting task, especially over the course of a semester. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what made these particular instructors so special. The funny this is the one thing they all seem to have in common is their uniqueness and individuality. I think the key to making this a successful endeavor is to just try to be myself and inject my personality and experience into the class. I think if I can really express my love for what I do the students will become engaged in what I am presenting.
I am so privileged to do something I love. I have an amazing job that is so incredibly well suited to my personality. People always say to me, “I don’t know how you do what you do”. Being a social worker feels as natural to me as breathing. It’s just what I do. I am so excited to share this with my students. Wow, that sounds strange “my students”. Somewhere along the line, I guess I grew up. I wonder when it happened. I wonder when I became a person that other people would be interested in listening to. I know I sometimes don’t give myself credit for my accomplishments, but I really hope that I am able to meet this challenge.
I better get some rest so I am fresh for class tomorrow. Thanks for listening. Talk to you soon J
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