What a long day. Saw a different neurologist today. He isn't so convinced that the diagnosis of MS is so certain. He thinks that this will be determined over a much longer period of time. He said that there are some elements of my presentation that would lean that way, but states that there just isn't enough evidence for a conclusive diagnosis at this point. He did tell me that the scans of my spine this morning did show two "spots". He didn't think they were large enough or specific enough to be conclusive. He said they could be just about anything. He states that there is some sort of neurological condition that is yet to be identified. So tomorrow I have another brain MRI and an EEG on deck. Regardless of my enemies name I am prepared to fight.
The steroids are working wonders. The dizziness is minimal and I can walk without a walker. A couple of weeks ago I could lift weights for an hour, do 8 miles on the bike and easily walk 3-4 miles. Today I was excited to walk to the end of the hall under my own power. One step at a time, one day at a time I will take my life back.
This has been a rough and unexpected few weeks. Last night sitting in the dark alone with my thoughts I had a rough spot, when the fear and despair slipped in. Thank you Cheryl for bringing me back to the middle! Love you.
This whole experience has been a blessing in disguise. I have gained a level of clarity and perspective that I don't think I would have gotten any other way. I will live life more genuinely and fully than I ever have before. I hope you can join me!
Thank you for letting me express myself and for all of your words of support and encouragement.
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